Sunday, August 5, 2012

That time again.....

We are closed for the rest of the season at Earthworks field location. Had hoped to have piles of corn to sell, but with the racoons winning (we got 6 of them) it was a tough year. You can find our sweet corn at the Food Co-op in St. Peter. We do sell our veggies, peppers, tomatoes, beans and herbs at the markets (see sidebar where we go) On Saturdays, we are only in St. Peter from 8-10, and then bring what's left to Mankato to sell it out.  We are busy on the go this year with 5 sale days at Farmers Markets, and 4 assisted livings and picking for special orders. The baker, (me) spends 2 weekdays baking and 1 overnight shift (about 28 hours straight) just to keep up with demand for our bakery stuff! If I was a few years younger (and not already retired) I might have considered opening up a bakery (year round of course!)   =) 

1 comment:

  1. at 50 I started to go backwards by 2's .... but unfortunately the knees and hips didn't get the memo.

    pocket gophers have invaded my world --
