Friday, August 3, 2012

Planting Fall Crops

Got a question from Kelly Jo, and a good one too! She is wondering what you can plant for fall and when. We still have about 45 decent growing days left. Keep in mind as the season goes on, hours of sunshine are less, sun intensity is less and nights are cooler. There are several crops you could still plant with a good chance of  success. If not sure, check your seeds packs, they should say how many day, ie: "50 days."
Within a week, I would try to get these in:
  • lettuce
  • spinach, mustard, any green...
  • radish
  • beets
  • kohlrabi
  • Garlic can also be fall planted for harvest in the spring.
  • Green onions germinate right above freezing temps. Culitvate/prep an area/row late fall and sow seeds for spring harvest
Regardless of when is freezes for the first time, I notice a big decline in most of my field plants by Sept 15th.

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