Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cool weather can slow harvests

Are we just lucky or what? First it is so stinkin' hot for soooo long, and now when everything needs to ripen before the snow flies it gets cold! Tomatoes will not ripen when nighttime temps are 50 or less. Low temps slow down the ripening of many fruits. When consistent cool temps hang around, plants will also starts to decline - especially as the day get shorter. Fall is nearly here folks. NO, I don't hate to say it.........getting ready for a break.

We will be selling many of our tomatoes as 'canners' this year. LMK if you are looking, we can save you a box or bring it to the markets for you. Approx. #15 for $10. Great for salsa or just canned tomatoes for chili in the winter!

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