Friday, June 8, 2012

What's happening in your garden?

Here at Earthworks, same story different year. Some things doing great others, not so much.

Perennials: bad year for our iris & peonies marginal. Plant are fine, but too dry over winter. Bummer.

Veggies: already have thimball size peppers on, gorgeous tomato plants (who started those?  =)
Picking lettuce mix which includes assorted lettuce, beet seedlings, chard leaves & spinach. You can get our mix at the St. Peter Food Co-op or the Mankato Market Sat., or stop by the field and we will pick you some fresh.

Herb bouquets in about 2 weeks, dill-basils-summer savory-parsley

Sweetcorn: first plot knee high already (I know I am not that tall, but anyway......)

Normally we just sell our sweetcorn from Earthworks field, not at the MFM - too many corn sellers. SP Co-op is buying our corn this year too. Besides a little organic based garden dust on the beans, our veggies are chem free. Matters to some, not to others! Speaking of beans, they are just about ready to blossom. We are growing about 10 kinds of dried soup/cassolet beans this and recipes later in the season.

Pests present: cuke beetles, cutworms, inch worms, bean beetles.

What's happening in your garden?

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