Monday, June 11, 2012

Scorched Iris

It was bad enough that they barely bloomed this this. Iris leaves are appearing scorched and quickly dying back. It's happening in many gardens around here, as I am finding out from my gardening friends. Luckily, the Dept. of Ag inspector stopped by today. She was here for the annual certificate inspection for our nursery license. She was not sure what it is either, may be a combination of leaf spot, scorch and something bacterial as some leaves were sticky. WTH!!!  Ms. Youngbloom took some photos to submit to the U of M. As soon as I have an answer, I'll let you know. Try cutting back to healthy tissue, being careful not to touch healthy leaf parts with fingers or a contaminated scissors. May need to dip scissors in 10% bleach solution between cuts. Excessive? Not if you want to try to save them. I don't have any other idea for now, sorry!  What next? Stay tuned, it will be something!


  1. My Iris on the North East side of the house are fine. The ones on the South West side are showing a bit of this....

  2. Are the ones that are showing symptoms in a sheltered area or out in the open, and how about the ones that are fine, are they near a structure or in the open?

  3. The ones that are fine are about 3 feet from the house so shelter from wind and sun by that. The ones that are showing some signs are out back and no near a structure - they get alot of sun and wind. Although they are not as "out in the open" as your field is.

  4. Sue B., has the same situation. I read someones theory on this; A very warm early spring, followed by a light frost, weakened them enough to be susceptible to disease. The ones that were near a structure, may not have frosted. Can you apply this to your place?

  5. Yes I would say the ones that are showing symptoms probably did get touched by frost - at least lightly. But the did bloom (all but one) very nicely. I don't believe that my leaves are sticky - just brown spots and yellowing (scorched)
