Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Echinachea - Firebird

More orangey than red.....this beauty is VERY fragrant. Described 'flaming orange red.' Large 3.5" flowers and a large dark coppery cone. Well branched once established and blooms for many weeks. This plant grows to 25" tall. Earthworks has these for sale at the field, on the rack at the St. Peter Food Co-op, and also bringing them to the Mankato Market Sat. Get while I gottem.' 

Once established, Echinaceas are very care free, only needing water in periods of drought. They need full sun, which is 6 hours between 10-4, not sun  up to sun down. Coneflowers are butterly magnets! I use them in bouquets, and also pick off the petals when they decline and just use the cones in floral work. Before winter, I harvest all the cone heads, and spray paint them gold & silver and use in holiday arrangements or stick small clusters in the tree. No lazy plants at my place, gotta be a multi-use plant!

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