Friday, March 25, 2011

Tomato Plants in March?

Today, while shopping, I came across large tomato plants, about 18" for sale. WHAT?
So I said to the clerk "I can't believe you have huge tomato plants already, what are people going to do with them?" She replied, "I know, it will be at least a week before they can plant them outside." WHAT? To this I was silent, stunned actually....couldn't speak was more like it!!!!
If you are wondering what is wrong about this scenario, please sign up for my vegetable gardening classes. Just checked out our big hoophouse, yes, hot in there. Night time temps still way too cold to plant out there. That may be the only situation were you could actually use these humongous tomato plants, in a heated hoop house. The normal date is around May 15th to plant out warm weather crops in the garden. Night time temps should be 50 or above minimum. Rushing tomatoes only sets them back....if they survive. I look at those tomato plants in the store, feeling sorry for them actually, knowing they are more likely to be dead in 2 months instead of flourishing in a garden somewhere.

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