Tuesday, March 29, 2011

One day soon, it will warm up!

Spring blossoms are the best! I love tulips & lilacs & apple blossoms. Tulips are about the only plant that I can say for sure the 'nightly deer herd' has eaten. Last year was my first for tulips in the field, and they got about 1/2 of them. Most of my tulips bloomed too early for me to use in bouquets. If that's the case this year, they will get plowed under, space is precious, flowers can't just be there looking pretty, they must be of use. =( Rabbits are also lovers of tulips. If you have them planted close to the house, they will be one of the first green things growing (because of the sheltered location), of course they want to eat them! Plant your next tulip garden away from the house, so it starts later, when other things are green. Tulips should be fall planted only. Do not buy tulips at the store from the close-out rack, left over from last fall. They will not have had a cold dormant period, and will not grow for more than 1 season, if that! Planting dish gardens of bulbs or Easter lilies outside can be tricky. Often unsuccessful. These bulbs are 'forced' through human means to bloom at a certain time, under artificial conditions. Typically, it zaps so much energy from the bulb that they will never bloom again. You can try, and I know there are successes out there, but not usually. First flower gardening class started last night. Still time to sign up for the rest of the classes. Growing berries & fruit trees is Thursday night. Check out the link on the right hand column.

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