Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pruning woody plants

Woody plants are of course your trees & shrubs. Pruning out dead or diseased parts can be done at any time. Wrong time of year to prune your spring flowering shrubs. They have already set their buds for next year ie: lilac, flowering almond, cherry. Rule of thumb: pruning back flowering shrubs shortly after the flowering period. On your other deciduous woodies (ones that lose their leaves) prune back after leaf shed if needed. If you really need to severely rejuvenate shrubs, some can be cut back to about 12" and come back nicely, though it will take a few years to be full grown again ie: Viburnums (American Cranberry), potentilla, lilac, spirea, ninebarks.
Next spring I plan to offer a 2-3 session course on landscaping, care, design etc. stay tuned.
Classes will announced in about 2-3 months.

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