Monday, June 7, 2010

Class Tuesday Night

Well, chance of rain is 50% for Tues. I hope it doesn't amount to much so we can still have our class. Dress accordingly, it sounds like cooler for Tues. IF it is so bad we have to cancel, then we will hold class the next night on Wednesday from 6-8. Remember it is $6 per person or $8 per household, that means you live in the same house. Please arrive before 6 to register if you were not part of the spring class or did not sign up with the community center. FYI that 'blogger' was down yesterday until some time today. Just when I want to rely on it as my main customer communicator it, it crashes. So in the event it does rain Tues., please call in advance, as I might not be ABLE to post current info.

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