Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Start with is uncertain.

That being said, let me tell you about all the yummish pie flavors we will be serving on Sunday:
Apple, Cherry, Pecan, Lemon Crunch, raspberry-peach-apple, blueberry-raspberry-blackberry. With whipped cream of course, or step next door to C's Bakery for a scoop of homemade ice cream. Or, for you 'healthy' folks, will have bowls of watermelon chunks!
Then......go have a pork parfait at Painted Hill Farm's lunch wagon!

No, of course all the pies are NOT homemade, unless Chef Pierre comes to visit between now and then. We are baking them though! Last year my mom and step dad peeled apples for about 3 days for the apple crisp we served. Granted, they took a lot of breaks, and weren't as fast as machines, but that is just too much work. After carpel apple tunnel, and 6 weeks of PT they were back to normal. Besides this is MY party and I set the rules HERE! =)
You Farmer's Market folks will understand that last line!

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