Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ahhhh.....the Daylilies

My next favorite group of flowers after the beloved iris are the daylilies, that is why I have over 120 varieities. This above 'glowing angel' is Spellbinder. So brilliant you can see it across the field.

This dark beauty is 'Bela Lugosi.' Much darker in person....come see....but hurry!

So ruffly is 'Dymanic Apricot Ruffles.' Huge flowers on strong stems. We have many varieties potted up. The day of the festival, our Horticulture Assistant Martin will be on hand to dig dayliles 'on demand' for ones we may not have potted that you like. And...he'll help you get them to your car! We normally do not just go out and dig big plants, so take advantage of this opportunity to get huge, well established plants. Of course it is okay to move them now, would I sell them if it wasn't? =)
Pricing on the jumbo plants starts at $16 and up.

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