Thursday, January 5, 2012

Leaf Diseases...that kill our plants.

This is a perfect visual to understand how a microscopic spore spreads in the plant tissue. This is how it starts folks. So now imagine hundreds or thousands of these spores landing on your leaves. It's easy to understand how it spreads so quickly. "Before I knew it the entire plant was affected!" Yup.
How can we lessen our chances...let me count the ways.
1. Start by buying plants that are disease resistant. It should be listed on the plant tag or seed packet.
2. Heirloom plants offer little or no disease resistant, hybrids typically offer resistance to multiple
3. Never compost or till under vegetable matter from the garden. Spores travel by wind & water. The
    closer potential problems are, the more likely they will revisit you, and revisit you, and revisit you.
4. By the time we actually 'notice' the problem, it's advanced. You can remove some of the affected leaves,
    being careful not to touch good leaves or you are the infector! If a plant has disease on 30% of it, pull
    it up and get it in the trash.
5. The best option is to use a fungicide, especially if your garden has a history of problems. A fungicide 
    spray is only a preventative so start a spray program right after planting. See how it creates a barrier
    (gold shaded section in the diagram on the left). After you have an issue a fungicide cannot help. You can
    purchase fungicide at most garden centers, and most will require a couple of applications. But if it saves
    the garden, it's worth it. I have heard that skim milk, mixed with water, (1 part milk & 4 parts water) also
    works. Get it now, so you are ready later!  
In about 2 days we should have a winner (if you are a follower) see Jan. 1st posting for details. Don't forget to notify me it it says 15,150 when you log on, I will not know who it is unless you tell me!

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