Might not look like a lot of work is bring represented here, but it took about 2 weeks to get all these plants in their new home for winter. No idea how many....100 feet of them, with lots more on the way for spring. Many of these plants have been 'potted up,' meaning from one size pot to a larger pot. The peonies were recently dug & potted, and some new varieties (10) just came in this fall. Half of the new guys went in pots, the other half in the field to 'grow on.' (just think Mark...10 new peonies to choose from!)
All the plants get freshened up with potting soil, a new tag, severe hair cut, fresh mouse bait tucked in between plants, organized by type and covered w/6" of straw for winter - yet to be done. I seldom have lost a plant over winter this way. You can be assured if they survive in a pot over winter, they will certainly survive planted in your garden. On the
outside of this now 'naked' hoop, we have planted bittersweet vines &
porcelain vine. Fencing has been tied on in hopes that the vines will scramble up and eventually cover most of the house, providing some well needed shade for hot summer days. Even 'full sun' plants weren't meant to be in pots in the full sun all summer, even with daily water, they can decline. The vines were moved from another part of the field, and have a large base, so hoping for some instant result! Now I know why we never got the fencing up for the vines were they have been for 5 years....because they were going to be moved. It's all making sense now!
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