Friday, April 8, 2011

Damping Off Disease.......I was in oblivion.

Just when you think you know what you are doing because you have done it for years w/o any issues, Damping Off disease moves in and sets up house! Damping Off Disease (DOD) is an umbrella term which numerous fungus caused ailments fall under.
Above are a flat of tomato plants that were affected. At first I thought it was the water as it had went through the softener. Looking pathetic, I was nearly in a panic. Good thing it was very early and enough time to re-plant. DOD can start in the soil affecting seeds, at the soil level, and also rot the crown of plants. It's everywhere!
Sooooooo pathetic. A transplanted you even recognize it all whirly twirly? Some plants have died, many in fact, and others have grown out of it, I think. The ugly ones we will plant in the field, and the new ones, that I am hopeful will be beautiful, will be sold.
This tray of Asters, was probably the worst. I have since used a fungicide to prevent spreading.

DOD is usually brought on by wet conditions, sometimes cold or warmth too. What? It's got to be one or the other, right? Running a fan is important for air flow, do not keep trays soaking wet, allow to dry out some between waterings, but not to the point of death. Always use a potting mix, NEVER soil from the garden for seedlings. Not sure why my usual routine failed me this year, but I do know I will use a fungicidal drench next year to prevent this issue. Lesson learned.

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