Tuesday, January 18, 2011

FYI too early to plant seeds.

Tomato seedlings from 2010, planted in slot trays, from here they will go to a 6 pack. Some will move on again to a 4" pot.
Just realized some of you that have read my recent posts, might feel behind the planting ball!!! The photos are not fom this year, it is too early to plant from seed. The first things I usually start are perennials. Actually, some of them would normally be started in Dec. but I never grow anything that needs to be planted before the end of Feb. the bulk of my planting is in March. As the season progresses, I will advise you when it is time to start different transplants. BEFORE you start them way to early....tomatoes should only be 6-8 weeks old and peppers 8 weeks old at the maximum. This is a case when bigger is NOT better. Tomatoes especially need to grow w/out becoming tightly root bound. They benefit from being 'potted' up at least once, twice even better before going outside. As small plants, tomatoes have a rapid growing stage that does not like to be interuppted, so they need to be re-potted to a larger container timely. If those stages are delayed, it can greatly affect the plants future growth. Always check the root systems to keep on top of it. NEVER buy plants with blossoms or tomatoes already on them....way over grown. Because the plant has been over crowded for too long, it sets blossoms thinking 'is this it?,' I better start producing! Not good. The exception would be plants in very large patio containers, like at least a 3 gallon container or more.

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