Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall Lawn Care

Tired of mowing yet? Here are a few late & growing season turf tips;
  • your last mowing, should the shortest of the season
  • shorter grass in winter will be less likely to get 'snowmold' & other grass problems
  • shorter grass also lets more sunshine hit the soil to warm it up in the spring, ever wonder why your neighbors grass is green before yours?
  • rake extra hard this fall to remove debris when grass plants are tough, lightly if at all in the spring when plants are new and tender
  • mow over some of your leaves, this is worm food. Healthy soil should have 10 earthworms for every cubic foot of soil, no food = no worms.
  • you can use a winterizer fertilizer as late as Halloween
  • you can eliminate using any fertilizer if you use a mulching mower, the nitrogren released from the clippings will be more than adequate for healthy turf
  • maintaining a healthy lawn is the best weed control strategy
  • during the growing season, grass should be maintained at a height of 3 inches. Don't scalp your lawn. Longer grass equals longer healthy roots that will sustain plants thru dry times
  • if grass turns brown during dry times, it is going dormant - not dead. Do NOT water unless you intend to water 1-2 times a week to sustain it, if it doesn't rain. The grass uses a lot of stored energy to come out of dormancy. So if you water once and the drought continues, now you may have some plant death. Either leave it...or maintain it.
  • aereating your compacted lawn; generally only need every 4-6 yrs. if at all. A few clues: lawn is feeling spongy, you have a lot of plantain weed (loves compacted soil), poor drainage
  • using a dethatching blade a couple times a year also keep the lawn healthy. But if you use a mulching mower, you may not need to dethach.

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