Thursday, June 17, 2010

Joan's Pots & Stepping Stones

My sister Joan has a wide array of painted pots and stepping stones for the garden for sale at the field. She takes great pride in her work and is so excited when someone purchases one of the items she makes. They are even signed!
Took this photo last week of our hoophouse tomatoes. They are doing wonderfully. Getting loaded with tomatoes, definately picking before late August (last year). Remember, to lessen your chance of blights: water at ground level, not the foliage. Also, water no more than twice a week once established, seldom and deeply, not daily! Plants need water more often the first week or two, after that they should be established. One to two inches of water per week including rain is perfect. Towards the 2" side when flowering and fruiting.
Extra watering can cause fruit to split, fruit to taste watered down, more disease issues.
YES, botanically speaking tomatoes are the 'fruit' of the plant, so are cucumbers, squashes, pumpkins, peppers etc. Now, from a culinary standpoint they are catagorized differently.

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