Saturday, June 12, 2010

Enough Rain!

How is it that 60 degrees is SO WARM in March but SO COLD in June? How is that? Brrr.
Froze soakin' wet all morning at the Farmers' Market. At the market I seen and a childhood friend I hadn't seen in 30 yrs., then another childhood and current friend pulled up....there we were....3 troublemakers back together again!!! ha.

Open tomorrow in the field from 11-4 Some of our 'handful' bouquets leftover and on special Sunday at the field. Also, get our Bodacious Armload Bouquets at the St. Peter Food Co-op.

We made the 'Rural' section of this week St. Peter Herald. After you read my interesting story, penned by my good friend and Marketing Pro Jackie Hilgert, bring me your copy if you didn't wear it out. =) please.

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