Wednesday, June 2, 2010


One of the best reasons for perennials over annuals, hail. If your perennials got damaged from hail here is my recommendation: Try to remove all of the damaged leaf tissue, but remove no more than 50% of the leaves. If some hostas leaves are damaged, remove only them. If the entire hosta crown is damaged, give it a hair cut back to 6" from the ground. Don't worry, it will grow back. On a plant like an asiatic lily, that is likely ready to bloom: if the foliage was stripped, besure to cut off the buds asap! I know it is hard to do, but....the plant puts a huge amount of energy in making that bloom, and now you need that energy to regrow leaf tissue instead. Many plants have auxillary buds in the leaf crotch that you normally don't notice. These are the guys that should take over in your perennials. All of your perennials should be fine, depending on the severity of the damage, you may or may not get your normal blooms this year. Can you just leave the dead tissue? NO. It can continue to die back to the crown and kill the plants. Cutting it back will stimulate new growth. As far as annuals, your damage level really determines what may happen, cut back no more than 50% as a general rule. If you have a specific ques., you can post it here, email me or call me.......I don't just SELL plants, I am a GROWER!!! 507-382-9337

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