Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oh rain, I am so grateful for you.....

I might get a day off of watering. What a great week for us at Earthworks Gardens. Meeting new garden 'buds' and greeting friends from last year. I found I was remembering folks from what they bought or ordered, kinda like a bartender that knows your drink! The iris are spectacular this year, soooooooooo beautiful! I am grateful for my job as a flower farmer, even when it's midnight and still logging iris photo info.

Educational Farm Tour Class this Tuesday night, June 1st from 6-8p.m.
You will learn: how to prune trees and shrubs without being imtimidated, how to dig,divide & cut back several perennials, use my favorite garden tools, help me hand pick potato beetles and more fun plant stuff. Just show up and register that night. It is $6 per person or $8 per household (spouse, partner, kids).
One more week to see iris at their best!
Welcome to the Dobbersteins, glad you joined us!

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