Friday, February 26, 2010

What do Gardening & Chicken Soup have in common?

Let's break it down:
There are likely 1,000 different recipes for chicken soup out there. Probably not all too different from each other. All ending up with the same result chicken soup! But along the way there were different ingredients, some tasting better than others, but still chicken soup none the less. So would you like to have the 'best recipe' possible? After all you are investing time in making it, money on your ingredients, and you want the best return.

Gardening can be like making chicken soup, everybody doing something a little different, but all eating tomatoes by the seasons end. So what's the point? Well, if your chicken soup had no salt product, it would be pretty bland, or no chicken, it would be pretty lame. So a great recipe is better than a mediocre one. Same with gardening. The right recipes, ingredients, steps, and methods will produce a better, more productive, larger fruited, more disease and insect free, earlier to harvest garden. Now what gardener does not want that?

Know where I am going with this? Last week to sign-up for my garden classes, they start March 4th at 6:30. Call Diane at 507-382-9337

Midseason photo of our Sungold Cherry tomatoes. We had full foliage until frost. Do your tomato plants die prematurely? This happens for several reasons that we will cover at garden class.

Fresh picked Green Beans. No, that is not a child's hand, it's mine!

Field photo of broccoli and small green bean plants. I know I should have weeded before the photo, but by then I wouldn't be able to find the camera!

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