Sunday, June 3, 2012

Squash Bugs......yes, another pest.

 Just when you thought there couldn't be yet ANOTHER garden much time do to you have?  These are slides from some of my previous classes, before power point came along.

 Almost look like little candies!
 Squash bugs do not go through metamorphosis like many of garden pests. Squash bugs have 5 instar stages. They do change during the instar stages, but basically are similar to the adult.

(above) You can see them in masses (herds) like this, oh yea! Sometimes if the leaf is already really damaged, I quickly roll it up like a 'bug burrito' and stomp on it. See ya!
This is what you first might see, and wonder.... hmmm. You can dust the plants to reduce the populations. Squash bugs are pests of summer and winter squashes which also include pumpkins. Also, you can lay old boards around the base of plants, one board for a couple of plants. The insects like to hide under them overnight. In the morning, check under the board, if present, replace board and step on it to 'squash' the squash bugs! These insects like most garden pests, winter over in garden debris.

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