Sunday, November 20, 2011


ber GEN ya: I love this plant! It's common name is 'Pigsqueak.' Supposedly rubbing its thick glossy leaves between your fingers emits a sound like a pig squeaking. Yes, I've tried it...didn't work for me...but I can't whistle either, so who knows! Bergenia blooms at the same time that tulips, very nice together in a vase. Often times, they won't even freeze back all the way in the winter, very tough. Below is the summer foliage color. Even after flowering period, plant stays nice looking during the summer.

Below is the early spring and fall foliage color. Very attractive reddish green. Plant is not large, so front of border works nice. They look best in groups of 3 or 5. Good companions with ferns, astilbes & hostas.

Plant info: 12-15" tall

location: at least shade from afternoon sun, full shade okay too

water: regular to extra

flowers are pinkish or purpley & blooms early spring

easy to care for given the shade they need.

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