Saturday, September 10, 2011

Small Scale's not for whimps.

Farming on a small scale, like us - 10 acres is more work than running a large acreage of rotational crops like field corn and beans. Have you seen a big farmer doing any field work that WASN'T from the tractor? Small diversified crop farms can be so much more complicated. I have 100-200 plant types to know about, their specific cultivation, insect & disease issues, planting, harvesting etc. All of the our annuals I start from seed and grow on in the hoop at my house in late winter. Watering & weeding are likely the 2 biggest field chores, avoid either one and your rewards dimish quickly as the weeds flourish with neglect. (where are my 200 tomato plants?) Starting to replant some of the perennial crops right now. Moving the Siberian iris to the corner of the field that is often wet & under water, perfect spot for them. It really is too late to dig & divide most perennials in your garden, but our transplants are 3 gallon size or more, so different risk level. We have a 'plant digging bucket' on the Bobcat...really saves the feet from digging (is that whimpish?) The majority of our perennials are to big to be shovel dug now! One plant per day is not quick enough for me. We got a new field cultivator, so setting up the future rows/plots rows for the new heaven sent tool. Hoping to one day 'farm' more of my crops from the tractor seat. Yes, I drive. I can back-up equipment too! =)

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