Monday, May 2, 2011

Is it really May?

This weather is unreal. Last year, it was warm and sunny. So today, with the plastic off the 100 x 30 ft. hoop (that used to hold the heat in) it was very cold, just like outdoors! =) Fearing frost,
I covered the young plots of lettuce/spinach/radish etc with fabric, covered some plants with straw, and some potted ones rode home with me. So while I was throwing straw on plants in the cold, thinking, isn't this a 'fall' job, I was amusing myself thinking about a poem to write. Yes, cheesy, simple, rhymey...

Who was it that said that farming was fun
working till late & yet up with the sun.
It's a passion, a craziness that few understand,
the draw to sweat & work the land.
Stretches of days of rain and cold,
takes out the fun, and it gets old.
I'll keep pushing & do it my way,
there's much to do yet before Sunday.

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