Monday, August 9, 2010


Another fine festival behind us. Despite the AWFUL heat it was a great time and all went well.

Thanks to all who came out to visit. A special thanks to all the volunteers who helped this year:
Jim & Jackie, Margo & Steve, Butch, Shawn, Dan & Sue, Jenna & John, Lynn, Tracey, Lorie, Mariann, Rachel & Callie, Roxie & Robert, Jeanie & Eugene.
A big thanks to all the vendors who toughed out the HOT day, and also to our music makers, Anna & Paul, and the Lost Walleyes. And thanks to the horse team 'Donna' and 'Dolly' and their people the Don Pfarr family.
Lastly, thanks to all the workers! Especially 'Meg,' Kelsey, Roxie and Robert for their hard work since spring, and to Jake, Martin & Eathan for their work this summer, making it look good out there! And to hubby Frank for all his work on the Selly farm place.
If next years weather is hot like this.........we are thinking dunk tank? But everyone would be fighting to get in it!

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