Monday, August 2, 2010

We don't live next door to the field.

Just a reminder that we don't live there, as often is thought. We live 1.5 miles away on Lake Emily. Many times my neighbors have put up with folks knocking on their door. For me, that is an advantage of NOT living right there, you would have no peace, ever! So I endure the long commute everyday,ha. Somedays I go back and forth a lot, forgot this, forgot that....wait...what did I come back for?
Here I go again admitting to being blonde: Last week I was emailing friend #1 to ask the LAST name of friend #2 which I had forgotten. By the time I got to the question 2 minutes later, I couldn't remember the FIRST name of friend #2. After running thru a list of men's names over and over in my head, about 4 hours later I remembered! Too much sun and heat, wearing me down!

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