Friday, July 23, 2010

Perennial Plants

Still have a great selection of hardy perennials. Lotsa confusion about when they can be planted, so hear are some guidelines:
-containerized perennials can be planted when ever the soil is 'workable.'
which is early spring - late fall
-digging and dividing time is really plant dependant, but should stop by mid-August for smaller
plants, and larger plants by late Aug. Keep as much soil around the root ball as possible.
-moving entire plants from one spot to another can be done till mid Sept., provided you are
getting the majority of the plant, and it doesn't fall apart during the move.
-when dividing, don't chop up too small, should be at least a qt. size plant when you are done.
If not, don't divide yet. Rushing them along can easily result in death as they don't winter over.

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