Thursday, July 15, 2010


If you plants are starting to look like this, you're in trouble! This is a photo of some in my field from last year late in the season. Cucumbers are susceptible to a host of disease problems. Other vine crops like melons and squash have the same issues. The best defense is to buy disease resistant varieties. Vine crops are ALWAYS better plants when directly seeded into the garden.
Typically transplants are to weak and flimsy to withstand outside conditions, and after suffering & withering for weeks, they might eek out a cucumber before frost. Not that it can't be done....but why do it the hard way? Using a fungicide helps virus/diseases. Organically, you can spray 50% water & 50% skim milk every 2 weeks. Using any type of fungicide is a PREVENTATIVE. If you already have leaf/plant problems it's to late for fungicides. The striped/spotted cuke beetle is one of the worst vine crop insects. They carry disease in their mouthparts as they chew on your plants and spread disease. Dust plants as soon as you see these insects, re-dust as needed. We have picked a few this year, hopefully lots within a week. A little rain would be nice!

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