Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rhubarb Cake Recipe

Hey friends,
So many of you at the Farm Tour last week loved my mom's rhubarb cake, so she wanted me to post the secret recipe. =)
You can use rhubarb all season, it does not get 'poisionous' after the 4th of July. Or maybe you never heard that 'old man's tale!'

Rhubarb Cake
Mix well together:
1 & 1/2 C. brown sugar
1/2 room temp. butter
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla

then add 1 C. buttermilk or soured milk
(the acid in the sour/butter milk activates the soda, so must use.
you can 'sour' milk by placing 1 T. vinegar or lemon juice in a one cup measure,
then fill with milk to make 1 cup, let set a minute.)

Stir together, then add to the sugar mix:
2 C. flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
Mix until well blended, about 2 min.
then fold in with spoon or spatula, 3 Cups chopped rhubarb
pour into greased 13x9 cake pan.
mix and sprinkle on top: 1/3 C. sugar & 1-2 t. cinnamon
then bake 35-40 min. at 350.
Awesome w/whipped cream or ice cream, thanks mom!

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