Saturday, June 26, 2010

Greetings from the Farm

Only working one shift today, in case you are wondering what I, the 'slave to all plants' is doing on my computer this time of day. Check out the above photo....hmmm......what is it?
A real close up shot of cantaloupe skin ! That netting is so intricate. What part of the plant is the melon exactly? Before you read on, make sure no small children are reading over your shoulder. The 'melon' is the enlarged ovary of the plant! yum. So are tomatoes, cukes, squashes etc. The fruit is the survival vehicle of the interior seeds to bring forth a new generation. So, leaving it to rot in the garden, the fleshy part of the fruit, would provide protection as well as moisture for the plant to perhaps, seed itself and live on. Plants only purpose in life is to re-produce, kinda like, well... I'll skip my sacarsm. WE interupt plants along their journey to EAT them. Some for their swollen ovaries, some for their roots like carrots, some for their 'storage organs' like potatoes (spuds are not roots), some for their flower buds like broccoli and some we eat the seed pods like green beans, leaves of the plant like lettuce & spinach and finally some for their seeds like corn.
Speaking of green beans, these are our beauties. No, that is not a childs hand, it is my 29 year old hand. Quit laughing.
Stop by and get some!

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